London Public Service League Chess - Links
There is a separate list of local clubs.
English Chess Federation
This is where you need to go for your ECF membership and to read up on the latest developments in chess organisation. It's where you can find out more about the British Championships, the County Championships and the National Club Championships. One of the useful tools in a calendar of chess congresses and other events.
Central London Chess League
We have a close relationship with the Central London Chess League. Pimlico and DHSS run teams in the League. You can also make the link from the menu on the left of this page.
London Chess League
Probably the strongest League in the United Kingdom. Many players in our League represent other Clubs in the London League, while DHSS, GLCC and Pimlico run teams in the League.
London Commercial Chess League
The League was founded in 1924 and has enjoyed good links with the London Public Service Chess League and the former London Civil Service League.
Old London Civil Service Chess League Website
The website of the old London Civil Service Chess League contains much of the historical record of the the League and other interesting material.
Old London Public Service Chess League
Llink to old website London Public Service Chess League website.
News and Blogs
English Chess Forum
An independent discussion form on all things chess, and some not chess too.