
London Public Service League Chess - Documents

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Nominations 2024-25 Season (revised)

Nominations 24-25.Oct 2024 Updatef.pdf The document was updated on 14 October 2024. Treasury 2 nominations revised.

Nominated Players 2023-24

LPSCL Nominations 23-24.pdf

Operating Model (revised June 2023)

Operating Model (Revised)220623.pdf Operating Model revised following the 2023 AGM

Nominations 2022-23 (revised)

Nominations 2022-23 (2).pdf

LPSCL Nominations 2022-23

Nominations 2022-23.pdf

Nominated Players 2021-22

LPSCL Nominations 21-22 v2.pdf List as Amended 10-11-21

Nominated Players 2019-20

Nominations 2019-20(2).pdf Corrected version 4 November 2019

Nominated Players 2018-19

Nominated Players 2018-19 (3).pdf The list of nominated players for the 2018-19 season.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement.pdf The Data Protection rules are changing from 25 May 2018. Please read our Privacy Statement.

Nominations 2017-18

Nominations 2017-18.pdf The List was updated on 23 September 2017 and can be found on the link (and reformatted on 28 Sept 2017)

Nominated Players 2016-17

Nominations201617.pdf The nominated players for the 2016-17 season

Nominated Players for 2015-16

Nominated Player 201516 2nd.pdf The final list of nominated players for the 2015-16 season

Fixture Lists


LPSCL Fixtures 24-25.pdf

Fixture List for 2023-24 Season (revised 28 August 2023)

LPSCL Fixtures 2023-24.pdf List revised on 28 August 2023 with a few corrected dates.

LPSCLTeam Blitz Open & U1800

LPSCL Team Blitz - Tuesday 16 May.rtfd.zip At Vestery House, St George's Bloomsbury, Little Russell Street, London WC1A 2HR

Fixtures 2022/23 (Updated on 24 August 2022)

LPSCL Fixtures 2022-23 Revised 24 Aug 22.pdf The fixtures for the 2022-23 season as updated on 24 Augest 2022.

LPSCL: Fixtures 2021-22

LPSCL Fixtures 2021-22.pdf Here are the fixtures for the 2021/22 season. Division One has been reduced to six teams, Division Two has five teams and Division Three has four teams. In Division Three teams will play each other three times.


Blitz 2020.pdf This is the time of year we'd normally hold the League's individual blitz tournaments. As we can't play over the board this year, we have moved the tournament online.

The individual blitz will be a single section, 7-round Swiss on chess.com, taking place on Thursday 17 September 2020. Details of how to enter the tournament are in the attached flyer, with a link to the chess.com page for the LPSCL.

Fixture List

Fixtures 2019-20(2).pdf The fixture list for the 2019-20 season is here.

Team Blitz 2019 (Open) 2019: Crosstable

LPSCL Team Blitz 2019 (Open).html Crosstable for the Open Section.

Team Blitz (U150) 2019: Crosstable

LPSCL Team Blitz 2019 (U-150).html Crosstable for the U150 section of the 2019 Team Blitz

Team Blitz 2019 Flyer

Team Blitz 2019.pdf Entry information for the 2019 Team Blitz.

Team Blitz 2018: Winners

LPSCL Team Blitz 2018.pdf A cross-table for the 2018 Tournament.


Barstow Cup Winners 2022

Barstow 2022.pdf John Bennett and Robin Haldane joint winners of the 2022 Barstow Cup.

Star Trophy Winner 2022

Star Trophy 2022.pdf Brendan O'Gorman collects the Star Trophy from League Administrator David Gilbert.

Winners of Individual Trophies 2018

Individual winners 2018.pdf Photographs of Richard Fries presenting the League's individual trophies.

Andriy Peykov


Historic Winners: Barford and Bond Trophies

Historic Barford & Bond Winners (revised July 2017).pdf

Winners of the Individual Trophies

Individual winners 2017.pdf Photographs of the winners of the individual trophies.


TeamBlitzResults2017.pdf Finsal tables for the 2017 Team Blitz.

Complete set of results from 2014/15

Records201415.pdf All the results from the 2014/15 season are here:

2014/15 Season: Final Tables

FinalLeagueTables201415.pdf Final League Tables from the 2014/15 season.

Historic Winners: Bonar Law, Post Annual & Jessie Garner

Bonar Law Post Annual Winners.pdf A historic record of the winning teams for the Bonar Law, Post Annual and Jessie Garner trophies.

Historic Winners: Divisions 7, 8, 9

Div 7,8,9.pdf Treasury 2 & the Civil Service Department were the last winners of Division 7 in 1978/79, Division 8 was last won by the Natural History Museum 2 in 1967/68 and Division 9 was last won by Patent Office 4 in 1965/66. Where have all the flowers gone...

Historic Winners: Divisions 4, 5, 6.

Div 4,5,6 Records.pdf Past Divisional winners

Historic Winners: Divisions 1,2,3

History Divisions 1,2,3.pdf 2014/15 was the 100th time Division 1 has been contested (removing the war years when there was no competition). The tables go back to 1904/05 when the Admiralty were the first winners. The League expanded to two Divisions in 1909/10 and was won by Patent Office. Division 3 got started just before the First World War in 1913/14 and Customs finished top.