2023 EPSCA U9 Zone East

Results for Buckinghamshire

Click on a player's ID to get more information about the games played (colours, opponents' names).

ID Name Round 1 Name Round 2 Name Round 3 Total
A.01 Guranshvir Singh 1 Guranshvir Singh 0 Guranshvir Singh 0 1
A.02 Ayur Ramachandran 0 Ayur Ramachandran 0.5 Ayur Ramachandran 0 0.5
A.03 Srishwan Pasula 1 Srishwan Pasula 1 Srishwan Pasula 0 2
A.04 Joshi Gedge 1 Joshi Gedge 0.5 Joshi Gedge 0 1.5
A.05 Charlie Gruar 0 Charlie Gruar 0.5 Charlie Gruar 0 0.5
A.06 Om Neil Banerjee 1 Om Neil Banerjee 1 Om Neil Banerjee 1 3
A.07 Dhruv Mahesh 1 Dhruv Mahesh 0 Dhruv Mahesh 1 2
A.08 Sid Muthukrishnan 0 Sid Muthukrishnan 0 Sid Muthukrishnan 0 0
A.09 Konstantin Gilbert 0 Konstantin Gilbert 1 Konstantin Gilbert 0 1
A.10 James Hughes 0 James Hughes 0 James Hughes 0 0
A.11 Liana Attanayake 0 Liana Attanayake 0 Liana Attanayake 0 0
A.12 Rocco Alagna 0 Rocco Alagna 0 Rocco Alagna 0 0
Total   5   4.5   2 11.5

Click on a player's ID to get more information about the games played (colours, opponents' names).

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Results index | 2023 EPSCA U9 Zone East

Barnet Buckinghamshire Essex Hertfordshire Kent