Results for French, Max Results for French, Max (University of Oxford)

Results for French, Max (University of Oxford)

See also

ECF Rating Information

Current Standard Rating 2228 K
Current Rapid Rating 1960 K
Rating code 280968A
Current (2024) ECF Member Number 10260 ECF   

From 2011-12 to 2019-20, grades were published in both July and January; both grades are listed. From 2020 onwards three-digit 'grades' were replaced by four-digit 'ratings'.

Opponents' ratings are fetched automatically from the ECF site. A missing rating implies that the a player's Rating Code has not been input by the team captain, or that the present rating is blank.

Note: Cup results (if any) follow the oldest league results.

League results

2023-24 ODCL Division 1

Standard rating 2248 initial, 2228 final
date for board against result
25 Jan 2024 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 2 Howland, James 2025P Oxford Univ 2 0
29 Jan 2024 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 1 Tomboline, David 1820K Witney 1 0.5
0.5 out of 2 (excluding defaults) = 25%

2022-23 ODCL Division 1

Standard rating 2239 initial, 2248 final
date for board against result
16 Jan 2023 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 2 Burt, William 1992K Cowley 1 1
09 Mar 2023 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 2 Jackson, Gary C 1922A Banbury 1 1
24 Apr 2023 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 1 Parker, Francis 2046K Witney 1 1
27 Apr 2023 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 3 Kadodwala, Nalin 2034K Cumnor 1 1
4 out of 4 (excluding defaults) = 100%

2021-22 ODCL Division 1

Standard rating 2298 initial, 2239 final
date for board against result
21 Oct 2021 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 2 Bush, Ian 1863 Cumnor 1 0.5
28 Oct 2021 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 3 Wakeman, Mark 1855 Banbury 1 1
01 Nov 2021 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 2 Gough, Nicholas L 2005 Didcot 1 0.5
04 Nov 2021 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 2 Hayward, Philip 2073 City 1 0
15 Nov 2021 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 1 Truran, Michael 2148 Witney 1 1
02 Dec 2021 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 3 Burt, William 2005 Cowley 1 0.5
17 Jan 2022 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 2 Cont, Arya 2148 City 1 0.5
27 Jan 2022 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 2 Vikanis, Georgs 2029 Banbury 1 1
17 Feb 2022 Oxford Univ 1 (A) 2 Burt, William 2009 Cowley 1 1
10 Mar 2022 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 4 Searle, Howard AJ 1876 Witney 1 1
28 Apr 2022 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 2 Bush, Ian 1895 Cumnor 1 0.5
05 May 2022 Oxford Univ 1 (H) 2 Deconinck, Florian 1910 Didcot 1 1
8.5 out of 12 (excluding defaults) = 70.83%

Cup results


2021-2022 Frank Wood Shield

Standard rating 2298 initial, 2239 final
date for board against result
03 Feb 2022 University Alpha (H) 2 White, Stuart 2099 City Slickers 0
24 Feb 2022 University Alpha (H) 1 Cole, Graham 1856 Cowley Howlers 1
02 May 2022 University Alpha (H) 1 Dhoot, Rishit 1975 University A 1
10 May 2022 University Alpha (A) 2 Carter, John 1764 Wantage Alfredians 1
3 out of 4 (excluding defaults) = 75%