Results for Baruch, Andrew Results for Baruch, Andrew (Kenilworth)

Results for Baruch, Andrew (Kenilworth)

See also

ECF Rating Information

Current Standard Rating 2108 K
Current Rapid Rating
Rating code 106348A
Current (2024) ECF Member Number 1173 ECF   

From 2011-12 to 2019-20, grades were published in both July and January; both grades are listed. From 2020 onwards three-digit 'grades' were replaced by four-digit 'ratings'.

Opponents' ratings are fetched automatically from the ECF site. A missing rating implies that the a player's Rating Code has not been input by the team captain, or that the present rating is blank.

Note: Cup results (if any) follow the oldest league results.

League results

2021-2022 Leamington League Division 1

Standard rating 2140 initial, 2130 final
date for board against result
14 Mar 2022 Kenilworth A (H) 4 Hope, Gary 1860 Olton A 0.5
28 Mar 2022 Kenilworth A (H) 4 Sadler, Anthony 1879 Solihull A 1
1.5 out of 2 (excluding defaults) = 75%

2019-2020 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 187, 188
date for board against result
25 Nov 2019 Kenilworth A (H) 2 Lloyd, Alan D 183 Olton A 0.5
06 Jan 2020 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Donnelly, Mike 171 Kenilworth B 0.5
27 Jan 2020 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Karim, Ammar 189 Solihull A 1
03 Feb 2020 Kenilworth A (A) 1 Purcell, Philip 196 Shirley and Wythall A 1
10 Feb 2020 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Vishwanath Natraj, Ganesh - Rugby A 1
04 Mar 2020 Kenilworth A (A) 1 Carpenter, Raymond 169 Solihull B 1
5 out of 6 (excluding defaults) = 83.33%

2018-2019 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 185, 178
date for board against result
18 Sep 2018 Kenilworth A (A) 2 Portman, Carl 169 Banbury A 0.5
26 Nov 2018 Kenilworth A (H) 2 Reid, Patrick 164 Rugby A 1
17 Dec 2018 Kenilworth A (H) 2 McCumiskey, Andrew P 183 Solihull A 0.5
04 Mar 2019 Kenilworth A (H) 3 Manley, Nathan J 152 Banbury A 0
01 Apr 2019 Kenilworth A (H) 4 Byrne, Nigel 151 Solihull B 1
3 out of 5 (excluding defaults) = 60%

2017-2018 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 197, 194
date for board against result
20 Nov 2017 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Thorpe, Thomas 185 Solihull A 0.5
04 Dec 2017 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Collins, Andy 161 Leamington Oak House A 0.5
12 Feb 2018 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Hurtado, Philip 174 Solihull B 1
27 Mar 2018 Kenilworth A (A) 1 Collins, Andy 159 Leamington Oak House A 0.5
17 Apr 2018 Kenilworth A (A) 1 Hope, Gary 159 Olton B 1
3.5 out of 5 (excluding defaults) = 70%

2016-2017 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 196, 199
date for board against result
12 Dec 2016 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Rowan, Paul 169 Banbury A 1
30 Jan 2017 Kenilworth A (H) 1 McCumiskey, Andrew P 177 Solihull A 0.5
20 Mar 2017 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Staples, Neil 160 Banbury B 0.5
2 out of 3 (excluding defaults) = 66.67%

2015-2016 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 191, 193
date for board against result
09 Nov 2015 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Long, Matthew 170 Shirley A 1
25 Jan 2016 Kenilworth A (H) 1 Jackson, James P 226 Banbury A 0
14 Mar 2016 Kenilworth A (H) 2 Smith, Olivia 184 Solihull A 1
19 Apr 2016 Kenilworth A (A) 1 Blake, J Morgan 175 Leamington A 0.5
2.5 out of 4 (excluding defaults) = 62.5%

2014-2015 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 183, 186
date for board against result
02 Mar 2015 Kenilworth A (H) 2 Smith, Olivia 181 Solihull A 1
31 Mar 2015 Kenilworth A (A) 2 Cundy, Mark A 179 Olton A 0.5
13 Apr 2015 Kenilworth A (A) 1 Long, Matthew 175 Shirley A 1
2.5 out of 3 (excluding defaults) = 83.33%

2013-2014 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 186, 186
date for board against result
16 Dec 2013 Kenilworth A (H) 3 Price, Andrew 156 Leamington A 1
06 Jan 2014 Kenilworth A (H) 3 Dale, Jonathan 162 Shirley A 1
17 Feb 2014 Kenilworth A (H) 3 Foulds, Andrew 148 Daventry A 0.5
10 Mar 2014 Kenilworth A (H) 3 Smith, Richard W 170 Olton A 0.5
3 out of 4 (excluding defaults) = 75%

2012-2013 Leamington League Division 1

Standard Gradings 182, 182
date for board against result
06 Dec 2012 Kenilworth A (A) 2 Smith, Richard W 172 Olton A 0.5
09 Apr 2013 Kenilworth A (A) 3 Jackson, Gary C 171 Banbury A 1
1.5 out of 2 (excluding defaults) = 75%

Cup results


2021-2022 Leamington League Open Team KO

Standard rating 2140 initial, 2130 final
date for board against result
26 Apr 2022 Kenilworth (A) 5 Reynolds, Richard C 1862 Olton 0.5
0.5 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 50%

2019-2020 Team Open

Standard Gradings 187, 188
date for board against result
28 Oct 2019 Kenilworth (A) 1 Dale, Jonathan 155 Shirley 1
1 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 100%

2018-2019 Team Open

Standard Gradings 185, 178
date for board against result
22 Oct 2018 Kenilworth (H) 2 Gundry, Arran 166 Banbury 1 1
28 Jan 2019 Kenilworth (H) 2 Ingram, Keith 175 Shirley 0.5
07 May 2019 Kenilworth (A) 3 Cundy, Mark A 164 Olton 1
2.5 out of 3 (excluding defaults) = 83.33%

2015-2016 Team Open KO

Standard Gradings 191, 193
date for board against result
03 May 2016 Kenilworth (A) 2 Evans, Chris 161 Banbury 1
1 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 100%

2013-2014 Team Open KO

Standard Gradings 186, 186
date for board against result
13 May 2014 Kenilworth (H) 3 Wallman, Robert J 169 Olton 0.5
0.5 out of 1 (excluding defaults) = 50%